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Midi input

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I'm starting a new project and need some pointers on where to start?

I want to input some music and convert it in to some animation. I've been looking around and i think i know the idea but what to know how i input music in to the chop part og houdini.

also what file format does the music have to be in is .wav fine :huh:

also what sort of op do i need to input it. and some general advise would be very handy too.

cheers bren

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for a live performance you will just display your viewport on a tv/beamer, if you can afford a scan converter you will also be able to crop away the parts of the interface you cant hide (maybe your beamer has this option as well).

Be sure to use some record chops to record your performance, so you could later have it render with mantra/prman...

Another thing to play around with is "pure data" by Miller Puckette. You can get this and houdini to work together via midi, but a better communication for those two would be great. As far as I know, the derivative guys are working on a better connection, maybe it will also find its way to houdini.This would give us hundrets of "plugins" for free

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a stupid question when i have my Chop network how can i use it to modify my sop level, e.g. in a twist sop how can i use my channel to change the strenght.

i know it's a stupid question but it's so long since i have used channels i can't remember how :huh:

cheers puma.snyder i think my projecter does have a clipping function i will just have to find the manual!


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cheers for that I had been playing around with it but made the mistract thinking that i would been to drag something in to the sop parameter and not just over right it in the chops level.

also how do i make houdini play the .wav file i have the audio flag on and can see the wave form in the channel viewer but i can't seem to make houdini produce the music, any ideas

now that i have a basic network set up it's time to start making some call effects and having a look at the derivativeinc.com.

one question that some one might know, can i use houdini as a synth builder for designer/mixer/player as i don't have 2,000 for a copy of designer tool :o

cheers hopefully by the end of the week i will have my first music video.


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