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Writing parameters to exr


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I'm thinking of writing strings into a layer; the idea being that we can record the settings (filenames and such things) of something so that we can figure out our settings when we need to "go back to a render we liked" but forgot where it was and what we did to get to the rendered result.

Edited by Macha
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in the output options there is a comment field, I use it to store the hipfilename and other information. I nuke You can read that with the viewMetaData Node. I is very cool to track down where a specific rendered image is coming from without getting wired names in Your renderoutput

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in the output options there is a comment field, I use it to store the hipfilename and other information. I nuke You can read that with the viewMetaData Node. I is very cool to track down where a specific rendered image is coming from without getting wired names in Your renderoutput

Yes, this is nice, although it would be great, if Houdini allowed to store arbitrary tags in exr :).

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But is there any way of printing an "opscript /obj/AutoDopNetwork/pyrosolver1" into the metadata of the exr that allows recreating the pyrosolver's settings of the file that rendered those images.

This would be really awesome.

Edited by gonzzzo
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