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Another Licence error


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I have downloaded the houdini setup 64x and i have installed it for, i dont know how many times.

My issue is the following. Every time it askes me to install the licence and i have to accept the terms the install crashes. I just keeps showing me its busy and i have to wait. I have let my laptop doing his job for night without result so im pretty sure the install crashes.

Im trying to run houdini on a dell laptop, windows xp 64x sp2 and i have a Nvida video card. if this is not possible. is there a previous houdini install which does run with these specs

Thanks in advance

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Have you tried contacting support? I'm sure they'd be glad to pinpoint the issue and resolve it. More generally speaking you might consider a newer operating system. Windows XP x64 Edition was half baked and in my experience was very troublesome. Seems like every other software I tired to install had issues with it.

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Checking to make sure whatever path the config and license files are written to on XP has proper permissions on the account you're using would be an idea. Or log in as root (<cough>, I mean "administrator") and try to install from that account.

XP 64 is now quite dated but having been involved in rendering about a million frames through it over a decade, I really can't fault it the occasional niggle.

Christopher Stewart

Vancouver BC

3D | VFX | IT


I have downloaded the houdini setup 64x and i have installed it for, i dont know how many times.

My issue is the following. Every time it askes me to install the licence and i have to accept the terms the install crashes. I just keeps showing me its busy and i have to wait. I have let my laptop doing his job for night without result so im pretty sure the install crashes.

Im trying to run houdini on a dell laptop, windows xp 64x sp2 and i have a Nvida video card. if this is not possible. is there a previous houdini install which does run with these specs

Thanks in advance

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I used XPx64 for many years with houdini and found it working well. Just to double check, I know becasue of the OS age, there alot of updates that are needed to bring it current. Most updates and packages are the same as windows server 2003 which shares the same kernal AFAIK. To, to start i would recomend at least... MS Service packs, all updates (of course), all windows MS/.net framework updates, and to be on the safe side (especially if you do dev) windows SDK, MS C redistributables libs as needed and if you use Visual Studio for anything its updates and service packs.

As mentioned, I would make sure you install with an account with admin right, but also shut down/configure any fire walls or other program control software. I know i have had issues with the licnese admin being blocked before and needing to update white lists when updating houdini versio nand build. If you have anolder version of houdini installed stop the license server and/or kill the service in admin tools or computer management.

Just some ideas if any of it helps....

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