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Ptex and multiple meshes in Houdini - Mudbox workflow


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H to all of You. I have the following problem. I have a piece of geometry that conprises of two meshes ( the faces are not connected), but it is one obj. I import it into mudbox and set it up for Ptex. After painting on it everything looks good but when I bring it back to Houdini and try to apply the texture, only one piece of geometry is getting it correctly. From what I reason, this is due to the way the faces are ordered ( id of primitives), on which the Ptex mapping depends. Now my question is what do I need to do in order to fix the issue. How do I need to sort the primitive id-s in order to get the correct texture mapping that I see in the viewport of Mudbox. Btw it all works just fine when I have one piece of geometry.. I see ptex being advertized as a format that can texture muptiple meshed models and keep all the textures into one ptex file so I guess its possible to do that. The question is really how would I do it in Houdini. Any help will be greatly appreciated !!!

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it seems that nobody knows there... I thought if I find an answer it would be in these forums

I had the same issue as you do. I guess there is a problem with face IDs when you have multiple meshes in your obj file. What I did was to duplicate my geometry node and in each of those delete part of the geo, so that in the end I only have one "mesh" within each node. Doing that allows you to have correct texturing on all of them but it takes a bit more time.


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