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help! this project just crash houdini


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this scene just crash my houdini 11.1.143.

1.open the envdesign.hip

2.select the 'skydoom node' from '/obj' then assign the 'skydoom material' from '/shop' to it. And it

will crash houdini.

at the first I thought it was the texture what cause it crash.But when i change the texture. it still


I debuging for days and can find out what's happening.

my meachine: CPU: core2 x9100. videocard:quadro fx 770m. memory: 6GB. OS:windows7 x64bit.

when it crash my houdini and i check the memory usuage. it only use 290MB. so memory may not be the issue.

but it gave me this message anyway:


envdesign - Copy2.zip

Edited by ouyeantai
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It crash my H11.1.67 also

But it works on H12.0.461. At least it doesn't crash, but every node in you skydoom shader has a warning : "errors or warning encountered during vex compile".

Edit : as a workaround try to swith to wireframe mode before assigning your shader. It works for me (H11). I guess it's an Ogl issue...

Edited by ben
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