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Missing pages in Houdini help

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Thanks man, I opened it from here though :)


Actually I just noticed, that page title is wrong, the actual function name is lowercase, so:




So links on evalParm page are correct, but the actual pages are wrong.

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Yea, that is so stupid. I wish sidefx didn't do that. Name classes and functions the same, then make the two commonly used things in the Hou.

There are a couple of other examples where they do this, but can't remember off the top of my head.

hou.parm() should be renamed to hou.getParm()

I'm sure some techy developer at sidefx will hold his breath and turn blue while another developers explains at great length why they can't, won't, refuse, and why I'm stupid for requesting it.

One day, the developers will fall and the artists will rule the earth!

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@3dbeing, I didn't know that, hmm ok that's interesting.

@hobkin, that's what I would do too personally. Although I prefer property like structures, not sure if Python has them, i.e.

point.pos (get/set)

Also what will happen to artists who can do both? (hybrids). Natural selection might favor them :)

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Also what will happen to artists who can do both? (hybrids). Natural selection might favor them :)

yes, the hybrid artists. We'll be like the Morlocks, living underground ruling the virgin developer nerds outcast to the surface of planet. If they don't program what we want we'll devour their flesh and have our way with their woman.

I don't know what will happen sooner. Developers learn to write friendlier code or we wait a million years and evolve into the Morlocks.

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yes, the hybrid artists. We'll be like the Morlocks, living underground ruling the virgin developer nerds outcast to the surface of planet. If they don't program what we want we'll devour their flesh and have our way with their woman.

I don't know what will happen sooner. Developers learn to write friendlier code or we wait a million years and evolve into the Morlocks.

I thought we were talking about developers? What women?

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