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how to add speed to PQ burning ))


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You can lower the threshold to make it faster but that will only go up to a point. You could probably reduce the density of the initial object. You could change the dop simulation time scale to something higher. You could save the sim and make it faster afterwards (Timeshift or chops)

Ultimately though the speed of this depends on the fact that you only look for the next neighbour to get your new heat attribute. Another way would be to look further ahead, (a real distance metric, not the "so and so many neighbour steps away" method the network uses now). You could do that with a pc I suppose, or maybe attribute transfer too.

Edited by Macha
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i have simple scene from pq lesson about sop solver and very long tube.

how to add speed of burnung for heat attribute, so the tube would be completely black in last frame?


A really sophisticated way of doing it would be to:

1. delete the points that are not 'hot'

2. create a volume from the remainder, for example by instancing metaballs, then convert that into an SDF using isooffset (making sure you use a big enough bounding box)

3. subtract a value from the SDF - e.g 1,this in effect expands the SDF

4. do an attribute from volume on your original points, if this is negative then you are inside the expanded volume

5. if the attribute is negative set the heat to 1

repeat at each frame, within the sop solver.

I might get round to demonstrating this sometime..

Edited by Peter Quint
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