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parenting question

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I'm in some sort of a trouble understanding how parenting at the /obj level works. I have one null parented to another one. the translation attr. of child null are use to modify some points in another object (something like a cluster). Now, my problem is that when I move the parent null the child null moves with him but not the points from the other object. Maybe that it's solvable using channel reference between the parent and child but what about the case when I need to constrain the child null to another 2 nulls with a blend op. which channel from blend op needs to be referenced so that my child null will drive the points from the other object.

for ex. null1 and null2 goes into a blend op with weight 0.5 and the null3 is a child of blend op. now the null3 moves along with the blend but the points not :(((((

plz. can someone explain to me how I can solve this out.



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I think the problem could be solved if the translation of the child null can be modified as well by some sort of parameter of the blend or other. now when you move the parent the child translation remains the same and even if I do a obj merge I don't think it will work because the transformation of the child are still 0.

I'm a beginner in houdini and maube I think wrong.

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here's what you do. Go into chops and put down an object chop. specify the null you're concerned about, and specify another object that is at 0,0,0 as your reference object. The chop will calculate your real world position. you can now grab those values and use them in your reference, instead of the null values.

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thx guyz, I'll try the CHOPS method. Anyway I did find some math formulas of calculating position based on weight (something like a blend tool but will actualy update the transforms, like it gets it's values acording to world space, not to relativ) so I'll give a try and make an OTL



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