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Houdini 12 - First Time

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Jeff, thanks for all that info. How do I know which dop node is gpu friendly and which not ?

Also, how would you do something like noise and turbulence in a way that opencl likes?

Seeding vorticles is like the worst I find and slows everything terribly down, Gas Turbulence DOP on the other hand seems to be liked quite well!



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Wow... Jeff, thanks a lot for your message! But I tried to do what you said and didn't get any dramatic speed increase. Maximum 2-3 times faster then CPU. If I set size to 300^3 then I receive errors from openCL. I have GeForce GTX 275. File is in attachment. Thanks in advance.

  On 3/4/2012 at 2:33 PM, old school said:

- Create a Smoke Container in the scene from the Fluid Containers shelf.

- Turn any object in the scene to a smoke emitter from the Populate Containers shelf. It would be nice to actually have the Smoke container around the object, if I even have to mention that but some comments I see on this World Wide Web simply amaze me but not us OdForcer's, right?

- Probably best to disable the Resize Container Solver DOP that is placed for you and again resize your container such that it is large enough for your simulation. The GPU I find is more efficient if you don't send in a resizing fluid container although it can handle it. My reasoning is that it doesn't seem to matter too much the size of the container, it's the resolution of the container so might as well max it out from the start. Once on the GPU, and everything remains in place, you are good to go.

- On the Smoke Object DOP, change the Division Method to Max Axis and set your max resolution size. In H12 the default for resolution is in voxel size. Change that to actual max resolution. I find this helps in not blowing past your gpu's memory requirements which you sould definitely do to see where the limits are.

- Delete any fields you don't need.

If you have a standard buoyancy based sim where temperature drives uplift with the Gas Buoyancy DOP, and there is no combustion taking place, go to the Smoke Object DOP and uncheck those fieds you don't need to use.

> Fuel

> Divergence

> Burn

> Pressure

> Rest (well you may want to keep this around for shading)

> Confinement

> Heat

You can toss a great deal of fields in the Pyro Solver DOP's advanced tab to blast fields as well.

As you add featuers back to your simulation, like collisions (in case you removed collision and collisionvel in the Pyro Solver's delete fields parm) to your liking. Remember you are trying to get things as efficient as possible so will require some hand-tuning.

- Jump to Smoke Solver DOP's advanced tab and enable GPU. The first frame should take quite long as the fields are copied to the gpu. After that, your sim should move very fast.

smoke_sim_test_h12.hipncFetching info...

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Hi everyone I've installed houdini 12.0.571 and when I try to drag a material to an object I get this error (see the picture), does anyone have the same problem?


P.S. I get this kind of error all the time doing different things following the basic sidefx tutorials

Edited by Vardan Petrosyan
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