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Best way to offset the randomization of values

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When generating random values for different parameters using the rand expression, I see people multiplying the result with a value, or adding a value to the result, etc.

Which way is the most preferred way that gives the most chaotic results?

Is it enough to just do something like?

x = rand($PT)

y = rand($PT) + 1

z = rand($PT) + 2

I feel this will not provide as much difference for instance.

What are the best practices?

I am sure Houdini experts would have their consistent methods they always use regardless.

Thanks :)

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what SYmek suggested is right. You have to remember that random doesn't mean a casual number, but if you give the same seed to the function, you'll obtain the same result:

rand(5) = rand(5)

Now my formulas normally use big numbers for the seed, float numbers as SYmek says, and I use a little trick, let's say, to remember those numbers, in order to change always seeds:

My formulas are something like this:

x = rand($PT*159.357+741.23)
y = rand($PT*951.753+486.624)
z = rand($PT*426.684+123.654)

If you try to digit the above numbers on your numpad, you'll see soon they are numbers taken following diagonals (951.753, 159.357), "L" shapes (741.23), "Diamond" shapes (426.684), "dumb" shape (123.456 :D), etc.

It's like a "finger ballet", in this way I (should ;)) know to not use that kind of shape for next combinations or, if I'm in trouble, I simply copy/paste the previous formulas in different order, for example using the previous one, it will be:

x = rand($PT*741.23+159.357)
y = rand($PT*486.624+951.753)
z = rand($PT*123.654+426.684)

And don't forget that rand() gives you always values ranging in [0..1], so I quite often use it with fit01() function to control it better according to my needs.


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Thanks for the input guys. This is all interesting.

@thinkingmonkey, when you stared talking about diamond shapes, I thought you were trolling :)

What about using prime numbers though? From what I know that's a good way to offset randomization in general programming. Something like:

rand($PT * 13)

rand($PT * 17)

rand($PT * 19)

But I didn't realize the non-integer advantage for the rand expression.

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