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Unfortunately saving the preset file to the 'extra files' of the digital asset doesn't work on its own. If i then pass the digital asset to someone else, the presets don't show up in the digital asset. The presets file, however, is still stored in the extra files. 


Does anyone know if there's something I have to do to get the digital asset to reference that stored extra file as its own preset file?

Edited by kgmcnamara
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Hm, so far I've tried:







As soon as I delete the original myDigitalAsset.idx file from the Houdini12/presets/Sop folder, the digital assets loses its presets despite the file being stored in the extra files.

Edited by kgmcnamara
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Excellent, that worked. Thanks!


For anyone interested:


  1. Go to the extra files pane in the type properties of your digital asset.
  2. On the bottom, type 'Presets' into the 'Section Name' field without selecting a file. Click 'Add Empty Selection'. That will create a Presets section. 
  3. Then in the 'Filename' field, select your presets file. This will autopopulate the 'Section Name' field with the name of the presets file. Change this to 'Presets'.
  4. Click 'Add File'
  5. Your presets should now be added to (and stored in) the digital asset!
Edited by kgmcnamara
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