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Render a sequence with variable increment

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$FF does the job.

But keep in mind there are some workflow problems.

There's no such variable to pad zeros with float numbers, so $FF4 doesn't exist. You need to use hscript or python to do the job.

In "File Choose Window", if you turn on the "Show sequence as one entry", it will display your files as several sequences. Forget it. Just copy the original save name to load and Houdini does the rest.

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Thanks for the answers!

The point is that I want to write a sequence with varying increment in one pass, like: 1, 1.25, 2, 2.25 - as you can see, increment toggles from 0.25 to 0.75. And it seems to be bit tricky. Actually, when saving to bgeo, I managed to do this with combination of geometry rop and frame_dependency node. But writing to alembic in such a way doesn't bring a success. I still can't detect right time samples.

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