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Instancing lights

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I'm trying to instance a bunch of point lights (around 300 in total). I'm noticing that the render has slowed to a crawl. Turning off shadows helps a lot, but it still horrible slow. Is this to be expected given the number of lights, or is it an indicator that I've done something else wrong?

I've got the attenuation set to Physical, the active radius turned on, and set to 1. The light intensity is 0.005. I've got a shot from the IPR so you can see the general idea I'm going for.


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SSS can be sped up radically, but you have to dig into the Mantra Surface and find the SSS nodes, and turn on Optimize Secondary Rays. Why this isn't exposed by default continues to baffle me :(


peter B

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i made it a habit of optimizing 2ndary rays everytime i use SSS. to help here are a few pics.

also, i've noticed that using true displacements with SSS can be rough as well. Lastly, since you've dug your way into the VOP depths, have a look at the presets. (pic 6 attached here).







Edited by moondeer
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