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get a level in vex ?


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Hi guys!

I want to calculate a accumulated point distance from 'pt0' in the vex or vop.

i think ...



scalarfield() {


for ( i=0;i<level;i++)


neighptnum = getneighbour(ptnum, 0, 0);

success1 = import("P", adata1, 0, neighptnum);

diff1 = P - adata1;

len = length(diff1);

vec = set(len, 0, 0);

newadata = vec;

addattribute("distlength", newadata);

if ("" != "")

addvariablename("distlength", "");



pt4 have 3(level) neighbor (4:3-1-0)

pt3 have 2(level) neighbor (3:1-0)

pt1 have 1(level) neighbor (1:0)


How can i get a level of current point in vex ?

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Hi Wildparky,

Hard to tell what it is you're up to exactly; except maybe a tree search (n-ary depth-first)?

But then, that would have nothing to do with distance (in the Eucledian sense); so what do you mean when you say "accumulated distance"? And how does it relate to your "levels"?

Never used the getneighbour() function before; but just scanning the docs, I noticed it says that the order of traversal is not guaranteed -- I read that as meaning that you can't count on it doing an orderly spiral outward from P. (not that that would necessarily help, if I understand you correctly).

What is it you're trying to accomplish? -- there may be other ways in which to tackle the problem.

Sorry I got no answers... just more questions :unsure:

PS: This topic should maybe be moved to VEX.

-- Mario.

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Not sure. May be this helps.

  int i, tempnum, curneighbourconunt;
  int level = 0;
  int walk = 1;
  int curpt = ptnum;
  while (walk){
    curneighbourconunt = getneighbourcount(curpt, 0);
    for (i = 0; i &lt; curneighbourconunt; i++){
     tempnum = getneighbour(curpt, i , 0);
     if (tempnum &lt; curpt){
  curpt = tempnum;
  level += 1;
  if (curpt&lt;=0) walk = 0;
addattribute("level", level);

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Sorry....bug fix...

  int i, tempnum, curneighbourcount, brokenmesh;
  int level = 0;
  int walk = 1;
  int curpt = ptnum;
  while (walk){
    brokenmesh = 0;
    curneighbourcount = getneighbourcount(curpt, 0);
    for (i = 0; i &lt; curneighbourcount; i++){
     tempnum = getneighbour(curpt, i , 0);
     if (tempnum &lt; curpt){
  curpt = tempnum;
     brokenmesh += 1; 
  if (brokenmesh == curneighbourcount) break; 
  level += 1;
  if (curpt&lt;=0) walk = 0;
addattribute("level", level);

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Sorry....bug fix...

Hey Andrew;

Nicely done! :D

Now if you could do something to not have to walk all the way to pt0 for every point.... that would be the "cherry on top" :P. But I guess there's no way to tag points as "visited" on the fly, is there?

Wildparky: Andrew's sop is your answer. But it depends on all point numbers increasing monotonically from some root point. An L-System, for example, would have points numbered in this way automatically. But that's the kind of topology you seem to be working with so it should be OK.


-- Mario

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>>But I guess there's no way to tag points as "visited" on the fly, is there?

You right...its impossible :(

>> But it depends on all point numbers increasing monotonically from some root point.

You can fix any "crazy mesh" with help of Sort SOP (by vertex order) :)


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