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Voronoi Fracture Geo Replacement


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I've cached out a low-res fractured geometry and was wondering is there any way I could read it back into houdini with a file sop and use it as a transform for my hi-res geometries?

Basically I just wanted to avoid doing my sim with hi-res geos to save time. I've tried using dopimport with "transform input geometry" but that doesn't seem to save much time for me.

Voronoi Fracture Geo Replacement.rar

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You can cache out the sim as points, and than use that points to drive the highres geometry with a vopsop. lowres and higres geometries need attributes that store what point they are referring to.

PS: Is it really necessary that you have all Your questions exactly copied to the sidefx forum? Most people here read both


I've cached out a low-res fractured geometry and was wondering is there any way I could read it back into houdini with a file sop and use it as a transform for my hi-res geometries?

Basically I just wanted to avoid doing my sim with hi-res geos to save time. I've tried using dopimport with "transform input geometry" but that doesn't seem to save much time for me.

Voronoi Fracture Geo Replacement.rar

Edited by sanostol
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PS: Is it really necessary that you have all Your questions exactly copied to the sidefx forum? Most people here read both

I didn't mean to spam, but sometimes I had to wait for a long time before I get a reply, and assignments are due really soon! :(

Btw, do I need to cache points using MDD point cache in the output?

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