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geometry permission error geometry is read-only


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I am making a python Sop node and it does not let me write access to geo with error msg of "geometry permission error geometry is read-only"

Is this it is because NC commercial version?


geo = hou.node("obj/geo1/temp").geometry() is referencing read-only?

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You need to connect the node you want to modify to your pythonSOP.

See http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini12.1/hom/pythonsop

Yes, that is how I created python type geometry operator that I could bring it in SOP Network.

and also using below should give me write access to geo?

geo = hou.pwd().geometry()

I think I am missing something.

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Yes, that is how I created python type geometry operator that I could bring it in SOP Network.

and also using below should give me write access to geo?

geo = hou.pwd().geometry()

I think I am missing something.

geoPdef = hou.pwd().inputs()[0].geometry() is returning "read-only" type geo.

geoPdef = hou.pwd().geometry() has "write-access".

Then, how would I select different inputs and make them "write-access"able?

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  • 6 years later...

you can't make geometry owned by other nodes to be writeable from outside, and chances are you don't need to 

it's readable, so you can access it, read any info you want and use in the current Python SOP to modify the current geo

or if you want to, you can create a copy of that geo, modify it and pass as a current geo in Python SOP for example

node = hou.pwd()
geo2 = node.inputs()[1].geometry().freeze() # get copy of second input geo
# now geo2 contains the copy of second input geo and can be modified

# for example using sop verbs
xform = hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeVerbs()['xform']
xform.setParms({'t':(0,1,0), 'r':(90,0,0)})
xform.execute(geo2, [geo2])

# then just replace the current geo with it for example
geo = node.geometry() # get current geo
geo.clear() # clear current geo
geo.merge(geo2) # merge in modified copy of second input geo


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Thank you, Tomas!

I had the same problem when using geometry from a DOP Import in the first input of a Python node, but making a copy of the geometry worked in that case as well. 

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