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Rigid Body Tutorials

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I finally found how to make more than one rigid body .

It's not very natural but it can sound Houdinically logical.

To create a RigidBody, it's quite simple:

at the Object level, select RigidBodyDynamics and select the Object you

wanna make a rigid body. That's it!

It creates a RBDcreate Pop in a Popnet and a ParticleChop in a dedicated chopnet.

Now, how to add another RBD:

Just Go into the created Popnet and add another RBDcreatePOP (with an another object to refer to).

To apply a force to the first RBD, append a ForcePOP to it and to make the second RBD for example a passive rigid body (like a wall), append a Property Pop to it ( set the Mass to 0, and the other parameters to whatever you want, just play with them).

Now (and that's the important thing) merge the two incoming Pop with

a CollectPOP. It links the rigid bodies.

Hit play and see the result.

That's all about it!

If anyone has other tips...

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