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Nanode - The latest node based 3d app


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Has anyone seen this before?


It seems like the proactive ICE guy Guillaume Laforge is making his own after being let go by Autodesk.

He shows nanode is faster than ICE due to using GPU. It would be pretty interesting if he makes a 100% procedural node based 3d app out of this.

Can this be a competitor to Houdini? Any thoughts? :)

More vids on his account.

Btw I don't know how to embed videos. I tried the media tag but it didn't show the thumbnail. So please feel free to change it if you can.

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Any thoughts? :)

i have one : dont make war , make love ! =)


It seems like the proactive ICE guy Guillaume Laforge is making his own after being let go by Autodesk.


Can this be a competitor to Houdini?


SESI should find his mob number and offer to him an HisDesk , since AutoDesk refused him .

am i the only one thinking so ?


edit reason : my english =p

Edited by zarti
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Can this be a competitor to Houdini? Any thoughts? :)

No .No and No.

Are you really comparing one guy project to a software that developed and tested for 20 years with shit tons of high-end effects under the belt.

I don't know what to make out of this thread.

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