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render unconnected frames at once?

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Thank you for answer strages.

That works but if I have many frames to render (eg. over hundred), then manually create node is time consuming and little tricky.

I want 'more more more' easy way. I try "frame dependency" or "frame container" node. But I think that is not a proper approach.

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I think you can figure out a way to do this with expressions. They can be used in so many ways and there has to be a way that Houdini knows which frames you actually need.

manually is indeed not the procedural way but houdini always offers an option :)

an example, last expression that i came across that had some really nice usages was ressions/opdigits'>opdigits

good luck

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The problem here is that frame range is evaluated only once. on the beggining of the render, so expressions that change over time dont work (as the keyframes dont either)...

from command line it would be easy to write script that parses something like [2 13 55-63 99 ....] an run mantra for every range in in that sequence...

And that is more (bash, dos or maybe python) question

I would grab some script from comments here:


and modified to parse such input range.

When you decide wich scriptting choice to choose, you can ask us more questions..

I would choose python, becouse its most corssplatform and it have regular expression wich are very useful for parsing..

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I just quickly made a ROP HDA to show a way it can be done. This takes a bunch of space separated frames in the "frames" parameter like 1 4 6-10 13 and so on and then renders with the node in the render node parameter. This is hacked in just a few minutes in python so there no error checking, be aware! :)


Edited by Magnus Pettersson
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I just quickly made a ROP HDA to show a way it can be done. This takes a bunch of space separated frames in the "frames" parameter like 1 4 6-10 13 and so on and then renders with the node in the render node parameter. This is hacked in just a few minutes in python so there no error checking, be aware! :)

It's rendering only ranges (and current frame for single ones in string), so "1 2 20-24" will not work. I modified it and it seems to work now as expected (but i'm new to python though=). TS, just open type properties of the original otl and change code in Script tab.

def renderframes(rootNode):
mantra = hou.node(rootNode.parm("rendernode").eval())
frames = rootNode.parm("frames").eval()
timerange = mantra.parm("trange")
for f in frames.split(" "):
range = f.split("-")
if len(range) == 1:
print "Rendering:", range

I used range mantra mode even for single frame cause i don't know if moving current frame is bad or not)

Edited by bloomendale
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It's rendering only ranges (and current frame for single ones in string), so "1 2 20-24" will not work. I modified it and it seems to work now as expected (but i'm new to python though=). TS, just open type properties of the original otl and change code in Script tab.

Ah nice, I forgot to check that. For all single frames it just rendered the frame that you are on in the timeline and i happened to be on the frame i tested with hehe. But like you said, its better to put it on ranged than to change current frame each time and need to reset it back to what it was before rendering :)

Edited by Magnus Pettersson
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Something is not working with houdini 17


C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.416/houdini/vex/include/physicalsss.h: Using uninitialized variable: nmax (247,26:29)
C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.416/houdini/vex/include/physicalsss.h: Using uninitialized variable: dist (247,46:49)
C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.416/houdini/vex/include/physicalsss.h: Using uninitialized variable: nmax (249,21:24)
C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.416/houdini/vex/include/physicalsss.h: Using uninitialized variable: dist (253,57:60)

A head-light was automatically added to the scene. If the soho_autoheadlight parameter cannot be found in the Objects tab, add the rendering property to control this behaviour.


Edited by philpappas
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