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Sort Groups by Size


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Hello Everyone.

I`ve got a load of groups, piece1, piece2, piece3......etc which each contain a set of primitives. Each primitive in each group holds an attribute which holds the size of all the primitives in that group when summed together.

The groups have a random size of geometry in them right now, but what id like to do is order them, so the group piece1 holds the smallest and the highest numbered group the biggest

Is there any way to do this?

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Could you turn the values into ints (multiplipy by a large number) and then in a foreach rename the group according to the attribute number? The sorting would then be implicit in the naming of the group.

Edited by Macha
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Macha - thats a cool idea! Thanks. I was really hoping to get a sequential ordering though, and I don`t think this is going to give me that.

I want to be able to match the group number with the point number of another object so I can copy stamp various sized objects onto it at precise locations.

I thought group number would be a nice way to order these objects into their size order for that purpose.

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