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prt export from Houdini 12

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

I'm trying to recompile the plugin for Houdini13 but I'm getting the following errors.

Making 'PRT_RopDriver.o' and 'C:/Users/nick.moutafis/Documents/houdini13.0/dso\PRT_RopDriver.dll' from 'PRT_RopDriver.cpp'
PRT_RopDriver.cpp(426) : warning C4996: 'GA_GBElementList::entries': Deprecated since version 13.0
C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.21/toolkit/include\GA/GA_GBElementList.h(46) : see declaration of 'GA_GBElementList::entries'
PRT_RopDriver.cpp(426) : warning C4996: 'GEO_Detail::points': Deprecated since version 12.5
C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.21/toolkit/include\GEO/GEO_Detail.h(1604): see declaration of 'GEO_Detail::points'
Creating library PRT_RopDriver.lib and object PRT_RopDriver.exp
Using SDK: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A
Embedding manifest 'C:/Users/nick.moutafis/Documents/houdini13.0/dso\PRT_RopDriver.dll.manifest'
into 'C:/Users/nick.moutafis/Documents/houdini13.0/dso\PRT_RopDriver.dll'
using 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A/Bin/x64/mt.exe' Microsoft (R) Manifest Tool version 5.2.3790.2075
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
C:/Users/nick.moutafis/Documents/houdini13.0/dso\PRT_RopDriver.dll.manifest : general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the manifest. The system cannot find the file specified.

Do you know how to fix it?



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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys, brand new here !

I recompiled the PRTRop for 13.266 if you want it, it is here: PRT_RopDriver 130266_64


But I don't know how to use it !

So if someone can give me a hint.

I did plug a OP Driver Output after my Null OUT in the fluid node and specified a .prt instead of .geo but obviously, written prt are not PRT !


Thank you for some help,



Edited by Vorkosigan
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/19/2013 at 5:18 PM, Vorkosigan said:

Hello guys, brand new here !

I recompiled the PRTRop for 13.266 is you want it, it is here: PRT_RopDriver 130266_64


But I don't know how to use it !

So if someone can give me a hint.

I did plug a OP Driver Output after my Null OUT in the fluid node and specified a .prt instead of .geo but obviously, written prt are not PRT !


Thank you for some help,




Thank you for your compiled file!! It worked for 13.237 too.


just going to ROP network and lay down PRT_ROPDriver node. Specify SOP Path and attribute you want to export and save it as out.$F.prt


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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't see any "PRT_RopDriver" when I press tab. That means I messed up the installation?


The only thing I have to do to install this, is to put the "PRT_RopDriver.dll" in my houdini --->dso folder ,right?


How about "PRT_RopDriver.dll.manifest" ? Where does this go?.....Yes I know thats a silly question......

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  • 1 year later...
I think many would be helpful.

Recent compiled version you can download here, as well has its own branch Githu


Houdini 13.0.547: PRTRop_13.0.547.rar

Houdini 13.0.582: PRTRop_13.0.547.rar

Houdini PRTRop_14.0.201.13.rar




just a quick tutorial on the use of (I had trouble so I write):

PRTRop_Release_14.0.201.13.dll copy a folder C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini\houdini\dso 

in Network panel go to the out and there you will find the PRT_export driver


I hope this helps someone because 2 days I suffer with this issue)

Edited by Horosh3D
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  • 2 months later...
  On 2/10/2015 at 10:50 PM, Horosh3D said:


I think many would be helpful.
Recent compiled version you can download here, as well has its own branch Githu

Houdini 13.0.547: PRTRop_13.0.547.rar

Houdini 13.0.582: PRTRop_13.0.547.rar

Houdini PRTRop_14.0.201.13.rar



just a quick tutorial on the use of (I had trouble so I write):
PRTRop_Release_14.0.201.13.dll copy a folder C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini\houdini\dso 
in Network panel go to the out and there you will find the PRT_export driver
I hope this helps someone because 2 days I suffer with this issue)


can you have Houdini 13.0.419 vision?

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I have a question please, when I export my .prt, it's working in 3dsMax, I can use mapping by velocity but I can't pick my .prt loader in frost.

I export my attributes in original and float32 but it's the same. In the data Viewer of krakatoa, I don't have Data, strange because I can map by velocity.

Thank you


Edited by dofe
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  • 2 months later...


in Network panel go to the out and there you will find the PRT_export driver

I just presume that you type "out". I'm using 14.361 with PRTRop_Release_14.0.335 , copied all files to dso folder, and nothing shows up. Could somebody write installation guide for the noobs?


Or is this just incompatible. But I'm quite sure that if it wasn't, it would show up, but had error or something - not just... nothing :)

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  • 7 months later...



Its been over 3 years since we published PRTRop with Robotika. Its ported to 13, 14, and 15 by Michael Auerswald http://www.flipswitchingmonkey.com/2015/01/prt-export-from-houdini/


I would love to hear from you if its ever became useful, did it make it to any production so far?


Many thanks.



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  • 4 months later...
  On 2/10/2015 at 10:50 PM, Horosh3D said:
I think many would be helpful.


Recent compiled version you can download here, as well has its own branch Githu







Houdini 13.0.547: PRTRop_13.0.547.rar


Houdini 13.0.582: PRTRop_13.0.547.rar


Houdini PRTRop_14.0.201.13.rar










just a quick tutorial on the use of (I had trouble so I write):
PRTRop_Release_14.0.201.13.dll copy a folder C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini\houdini\dso 
in Network panel go to the out and there you will find the PRT_export driver
I hope this helps someone because 2 days I suffer with this issue)



Do you have compiled version for 15.5.480 ?

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