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Export points with ROP Alembic node


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I'm trying to export point advected by smoke in alembic format and it doesn't work. I tried the new ROP node available at the object level and the one in the OUT level. When I press render, none of the 2 want to export. I set the frame range to the desire numbers... I tried exporting in bgeo and sim and the 2 are working correctly. I also tried to reexport my bgeo cache and it doesn't worked either. Someone have an idea.

I'll try with a simple setup tomorrow to see if it does the same thing...

It's possible to export particles with alembic, right?


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Hi Doun,

Well I can´t exactly make out what you are experimenting, but from your email I made this really simple test.

Exporting to Alembic, a Houdini sim which has Advect on the particle simulation.

If you look in the scene under the Out there is the Alembic exporter , just hit render to export to your HD

Save the $HIP first okay.

Cheers Mangi



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Thx Mangi, I'll give a look when I'll arrive at work. I think that maybe the problem is related to the path I'm pointing at. I will try with the $HIP to see if it work. Maybe its a problem of writing on the network, I have notice that I'm not able to create folders on the network inside houdini.

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The problem of permission is on Windows7 x64, at the moment the problem happen when I want to create folders when I save scn file.

I found the problem with my alembic export, It seems like when there is no particles loaded in the file sop, alembic don't want to export. I just set the frame range to include the moment when there is at least one point and put the timeline at the same moment...

That why it's working in your sample scn, you have particles at the beginning of the shot.

Thx for helping me to solve this!

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