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$F >1 & $F <10

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Instead of keyframing something, I sometimes use $F >1 & $F <10 if I would want something to be active between frames 1-10. In my opinion it's just faster and easier than putting down a keyframe for certain things, like activating a fluid emitter, it's also easier to change it later if I would want to.

However, and this is where I have no clue. Say I would want the emitter to be active between frame 1-10, and then also 20-30. How do I do that? Is there a sign for OR, or something?

Like this: $F >1 & $F <10 OR $F >20 & $F <30

I've tried lots of variations with brackets and the &-sign in the middle (since that is the only thing I know of), but it obviously doesn't work since it all evaluates to 1-10 AND 20-30; and a frame can't be between both at the same time, making it impossible.

Does anyone know? :)

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An exmplenation about why it 'may' have worked before:

The singular AND (&) is a bitwise operator rather than an logical operator. The bitwise AND operation will compare the two and return every bit that are set in both variables, so for example:


a = 0011001
b = 1010001
c = a & b
1011001 = c

The logical AND (&&) operator chains two comparrisons together.

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