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Shading in OBJ or SOP ? Pros and Cons

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Hi all, a shader can be assign to a geometry in OBJ or SOP context.

In SOP context we can use several OP like Shader, or RMan Shader, in OBJ is strighforward, we can assign it in the shading tab.

Ok, but what are the pros and cons of the two methods, is better to shade in OBJ context or in SOP context.

I'm interesting in shading with mantra and renderman.


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Say you've got an object at Object level called obj1.

If this object contains only one something(a screw for instance)

you can go ahead and assign a shader at OBJ level and the whole screw will be shaded with that shader.

But if you have multiple screws inside obj1,

and you want them to look different (one Metal, one Brass one Plastic etc),

than you would have to do it at the SOP level of obj1

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Thanks stremik.

If i shade in OBJ i found several problems:

To tweak the texture projection i need to shade in SOP context, there's no way to to that in OBJ context, using the UV... SOP and a Shader SOP is the only way to adjust the texture coordinates i know, i dont know a way to to this in OBJ context.

Another question is : if i have a subnet with several objects, and i want to assign a shader to all the objects in the subnet, there is a way to do this without assigning the shader object per object.

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