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Shattering bottle - voronoi fracture difficulties

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Good Morning odForce community,

Happy Father's Day to any Dads out there!

I'm having some difficulties with what I thought would have been the easier part of my project! Basically I want to shatter a bottle which will contain liquid. Eventually I'd like to add the paper labels to the bottle to constrain some of the pieces but one thing at a time!!

I've attached the hip and obj files. After the voronoi fracture the bottle has some strange internal geometry throughout. I've tried selecting the internal faces and scaling inward to increase the thickness of the glass as well as increasing the density of the mesh with no effect.

I believe it must be my geometry since a simple test with a tube worked fine. Can anyone offer some advice or modelling tips when it comes to an object made for fracturing?

Thanks for all your help in advance!

All the best,




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the polygon normal on inner wall points the same way as outher wall, therefore is not defining thickness and that can confuse many tools and even lead to shading problems

it's as if you have just duplicated one wall and pushed inside, then bridged the top, if you do something like this, use Reverse SOP on one of the walls so the normals always point outwards

if you need to fix something like this you can use Facet SOP with Orient Polygons option (check afterwards if they are pointing to the correct side, may require reversing afterwards)

or more robust Polydoctor SOP, Topology tab


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Thank you both very much!

Yes, anim - I duplicated the outside wall and scaled it inwards to ensure the inner wall followed the contours closely and the glass was thin. Didn't even think about the direction of the polys' normals.

I'll definitely try the Reverse, Facet and Polydoctor SOPs tomorrow first thing.

Thanks again. I'll post the results.

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