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activevalue active RBD

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Is anyone ever get issue when use activevalue to active the RBD.

I create a active attribute, use active value sop with point("/obj/../..","$OBJ","active",0).

It works well under low res.

But i get strange issue when increase the points Per Area (voronoi frature point sop).

The fractures be actived random.

any help would be appreciated!



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have you found the answer? It is late reply, so.. :)

you can set voronoifracture's "connectivity partition" parm to maintain piece numbering. maintaining numbering is more expensive option (I guess). So It turned off basically. If you turn this on, it will work as you expect.

However it's better not to use $OBJ in DOP. Because it can change. If you merge groundplane with this pieces, it's object numbering will changed.

Instead you can use it's "name" attrib. It makes expression somewhat difficult but safe.

This will help.


Edited by yongbin
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have you found the answer? It is late reply, so.. :)

you can set voronoifracture's "connectivity partition" parm to maintain piece numbering. maintaining numbering is more expensive option (I guess). So It turned off basically. If you turn this on, it will work as you expect.

However it's better not to use $OBJ in DOP. Because it can change. If you merge groundplane with this pieces, it's object numbering will changed.

Instead you can use it's "name" attrib. It makes expression somewhat difficult but safe.

This will help.


Actually after it i active fractures by corlor.

It looks a little better,but keep old problem.

I will have a look your file.

Thanks again.You help me twice!

Edited by wateryfield
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have you found the answer? It is late reply, so.. :)

you can set voronoifracture's "connectivity partition" parm to maintain piece numbering. maintaining numbering is more expensive option (I guess). So It turned off basically. If you turn this on, it will work as you expect.

However it's better not to use $OBJ in DOP. Because it can change. If you merge groundplane with this pieces, it's object numbering will changed.

Instead you can use it's "name" attrib. It makes expression somewhat difficult but safe.

This will help.

It works well!!!

Thanks again!

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  • 4 weeks later...

have you found the answer? It is late reply, so.. :)

you can set voronoifracture's "connectivity partition" parm to maintain piece numbering. maintaining numbering is more expensive option (I guess). So It turned off basically. If you turn this on, it will work as you expect.

However it's better not to use $OBJ in DOP. Because it can change. If you merge groundplane with this pieces, it's object numbering will changed.

Instead you can use it's "name" attrib. It makes expression somewhat difficult but safe.

This will help.


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