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Guest mantragora

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Yep - I'm building up an understanding of the framework of the original question '... Houdini usage for games creation in Europe?'


There's no doubt that Houdini is a superior workspace, it has a great architecture vs a junk pile, but over the last year reading the forums at http://gamedev.net, they don't ever really talk about working at the higher level of Unity etc., I'm not seeing any main reasons why Houdini isn't used more except for market penetration.

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Oh I meant specifically what Houdini is used for - procedural and vfx work. I'm very aware that proper game companies code almost the entire pipeline themselves.

At least for small players, all of programmer's time is occupied by engine, and problems developed by developing the engine. Border of 'pipeline' is somewhere around exporters. On another side, there's 3d app, just taken 'as is', of course with appropriate publicly available plugins and scripts. That's what I remember as former game artist. Later, from what I noticed, who, from where, asked for some small artist's tools I made (not for Houdini), it seems it's not much better with big players, too (which doesn't mean 'big' projects). While ago, as an game artist, I didn't know for 'TD' acronym.  It was programmer and artist, nothing in between.

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Guest mantragora

There's no doubt that Houdini is a superior workspace, it has a great architecture vs a junk pile, but over the last year reading the forums at http://gamedev.net, they don't ever really talk about working at the higher level of Unity etc., I'm not seeing any main reasons why Houdini isn't used more except for market penetration.


Changes in game workflows started with new generation of consoles. Substance Designer was first sign of it. Even now, after two years since PS4 and XBOX One were introduced, texturing is still made by throwing more man power at the problem. 


I know company that tried Houdini + HEngine and they dumped it, because they couldn't figure out how to use it in their workflow. They gave it a run when new consoles launched. I don't know who was making tests, but from little talk I had I felt that they didn't had a real Houdini guy there. They just took the time to learn it and see what they can do. And I think that was the problem because in 1 year you can't just jump in and do something good if you don't have couple years in Houdini under your belt. They are a 3dsmax company, so what you could expect? What 3dsmax guys in Houdini world can do in 1 year? Nothing that will change their mind. 


Fun thing, when I said to people on Polycount that SESI is patching Houdini daily, surprised question popped up:

"Is this... a good thing?" 


They just couldn't understand that you have problems solved in a matter of weeks, days, not months, because they are so much used to shitty Autodesk solutions with bugs not fixed for years.

Next thing they posted was that because it's patched so often, than it means that projects become broken as often too. Because if it happens in Autodesk software than it must happen everywhere :)

Even as obvious thing like having installed many builds of the same Houdini version was a big surprise for them. Because you don't have such a thing like builds in Autodesk world. Only full next versions.


I feel that Houdini in games is right now in the same place where it was in 2008 in VFX. People heard about it, but it took till V9-10 to start mopping Maya left and right.

Edited by fântastîque Mântragorîè
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Take an example from architecture, anyone can build a dog-house, but, to build a large scale engineered project, a bridge, a building, a domed structure you need engineering skills.  

Why does the games industry want to only build dog-houses ;)
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Why does the games industry want to only build dog-houses ;)



I don't think this is entirely true anymore :P, the industry is catching up right now.

A lot of people are still having second thoughts, but people are being converted as we speak :)

Edited by acey195
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