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H13 dops Particles getting "parent" attribute


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Hey hey,

A couple more teething troubles switching to the new dops based particles, i'm trying to access the "parent" attribute or equivalent from a new setup. So i'm emitting a bunch of particles, and using pop replicate dop to "split" into trails (think bullet tracer fire).

I would normally use the "parent" attribute in an add sop -> create poly's -> by group -> by attribute to create the lines, but I can't seem to find the relevant attribute to do that.

I've got a ye odle particles setup working with this technique, which is fine, but i'd like to figure out how to do this with the new setup.

The attribute which looked promising is "sourceptnum" but it gives nothing (all values are 0).

Second is some behaviour in the POP Replicate DOP itself,

When adjusting "inherit velocity" it appears to also effect the parent particle from the initial stream (a pop source dop). Looking through the help docs it seems like the second "reference" input might have some effect on this but I can't seem to get it working. i've worked around it by simply dragging the new particles but again, would prefer to know why this is happening in the first place.

Apologies for not being able to upload a file to show the issue.



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Rightyo i've attached a basic file with the problem, it includes a old pops setup as well that is doing what I want.

The red "add" sop is where i'd be using the attribute (i've just left it as parent in this case).




Edited by dayvbrown
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hmmm.... so digging into all this a bit more there's a whole bunch of stuff going on in that pop replicate that i wasn't aware of.

The geometry bindings appear to be causing some shenanigans (the second issue I was talking about above). All in all I think there are a fair whack of unexplained adjustments which need to be made. Working through the new particles chapter of the help docs has explained some of these things but not really enough for a smooth transition, something that took me less than 5 mintues to build in ye odle pops shouldn't take two days in a new system, some adjustment time is unavoidable of course but that is a pretty massive jump...


Anyway, probably just kind of frustrated after an unproductive day :( Fresh eyes might help tomorrow but in the meantime if there are any obvious things i've missed would be great to hear!

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  • 1 month later...

hello !


i found your topic because i was facing the exact same probleme, it seems that they are still working on their new system, and that parent attribute have been forgotten somwhere in the process !


they will likely fix it soon, but in the meantime i found the fallowing workaround to get back the precious attribute :

if you allow the editiing of content on the pop replicate and dive inside, and inside de sop solver, you will find some node, and specificaly 2 nulls named "inputs" and "replicated", if you create a new branch from the input, create a attribute called "parent" and write the $ID inside it, an then make an attribute copy juste before the "replicated" null, you shoud be good to go !


hope it helps, it did the trik for me !

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  • 1 month later...

@mawi : Thanks for example file

If POP Replicated particles are inherited parent's velocity little more, like as x1.1, while maintaining linear following pattern, How can I do ?
‘Use inherited velocity’, ‘Add to inherited velocity’ break linear following pattern, and it make short line pattern




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