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How to alter fields temporarily when using in microsolvers?


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I have a simple advection that looks like this:


I am using vel, but is there a way I can manipulate it before using it in Gas Advect DOP? I tried Gas Linear Combination DOP but it didn't seem to do anything when I multiplied it with 0.1.

Also is there a way to make the modification temporary? Do I have to create a new field for this on the left side or would micro solvers like Gas Linear Combination DOP take care of that if the field doesn't exist?

I want to do something like this on the right side:

tempvel = vel * 0.1
gas advect tempvel
do something else with vel (original vel, not tempvel)

Am I thinking wrong about this?

Thanks :)

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Thanks Skybar, it worked :)

Just one small question: When I did that and used Timestep, the value got very small. I saw in a video tutorial recommending to use it all the time. So when I set it to None which is default, it works. I just thought I had to set it to Timestep so the simulation stays consistent if the Timestep value changes somehow.

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You mean as a Coefficient on the Gas Linear Combination? I'm not entirely sure how that works, but I guess it gets multiplied with the timestep or something, so you don't want to use that if you just want to copy the values. Not to be confused by the "Use Timestep" checkbox though, that you probably want to have checked.

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