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Hi everyone, 


Since a long time on this forum but first post. I always found a solution that already exist here, but today...


First of all, let me explain the effect I want to do.


For some production, I have to reconstruct a ring (like a torus) and make a "compression" of it (to make it more solid). I don't know if i'm really clear but the meaning is, I create a displacement node in vopsop to make this effect. 

To manipulate the "compression" like i want, i create a map in cops to keep back the color data (or luminance) and use it with the displacement node.


 With a single image, it works perfectly. But (yes there is always a "but"!!) here is the issue: When i want to use a sequence (to have a animated displacement), Houdini crash, or it doesn't care of the sequence and use only the first pic.


I always found a solution without picture, I used an animated torus with a points from volume sop and an attribute transfer sop to keep back the red color. But I really want to use a pic sequence to make a better animation...



Obviously, it's not very clear, so I made a little hip file with a simple grid for you to see what i mean. ;)


Maybe someone could enlight me about this or tell me about another way to do this. 


Thx by advance.





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Thx, I tried it.


But in VOPs, ColorMap node and Texture node "cannont have channels which depend on time". In other words, no image sequence. 


And when I read them directly with a material, i can't find a way to have "Cd" attribute from material :/

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