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select lsystem end points

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Im looking for a way to separate the end points from all other points in an lsystem so I can copy some geo accross the tryy but only to the last points on each branch.


I cant work it out its diving me mad, has anyone else done this before?





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The easiest way would be to use the leaf mechanism provided by the lsystem itself. Plug something into the first input of the lsystem SOP, and add "J" to your rule in the place you want it to be copied.


Another way would be to isolate the points with the highest "lage" attribute value and copy stuff to those in any way you want. (Depending on the rule, this might not work every time)


Here's a small hip with both methods:




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This is almost working very well but now I'm having problems where if I ise a point wrangle node the new J points are not moved with the rest of the points when I modify P, any idea why this could be?


Try sliding the grav vector attr in my scene's point wrangle node




Edited by jonathantopf
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This is almost working very well but now I'm having problems where if I ise a point wrangle node the new J points are not moved with the rest of the points when I modify P, any idea why this could be?


Because you're moving points according to the lage -attribute that is created for the lsystem points. The leaf geometry is not part of the lsystem and thus it doesn't get written an lage -attribute.

You could attribtransfer the attribute, or copy the largest value to them (like I did in one of the hips above).


If it's just gravity you want, you would probably be better off incorporating it into the lsystem rule. This can be a bit involved if you have never worked with lsystems, but they are a fun thing to learn! Algorithmic Beauty of Plants by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz is your friend.

Edited by eetu
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