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VOP SOP Fire Problem

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Im trying to build a pop geometry emitter, and I want the fire to climb around my painted geometry as in a lot of examples out there.

When I set up the recommendations in my VOP SOP, nothing move at all. Im not sure if I have set it up correctly or if its simply a Houdini bug.

I have tried to reset the simulation in the sop solver but with no luck.


Please take a look at it.




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... and the Prev_Frame sop say "old geometry fetched since simulation is disabled". I dont know what that mean and if that has something to do with the vop sop not beeing active.



I'm not sure what that means, but even before that, you forgot to point your point cloud texture to the proper geometry. When I opened the file it was pointing to default.bgeo, which probably won't help you at all.

Instead you can either do an


or the equivalent with an hscript expression:

op:`opinputpath(".", 0)`

Nevertheless, what will happen is that your heat values will get averaged over time...



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You were right, it was written in the wrong place.

I have now corrected it, but it still doesnt work? Nothing is moving as I can see. Any idea?



It wasn't working now cause you put the expression between quotes and that turns the expression into a string of characters with no effect... :)

Remove the quotes (but leave the back ticks) and you shall see heat changing.


The solver SOP is a SOP Solver disguised... I think the rationale is that people need sop solver features but are naturally afraid of DOPs.  So, in short, you do have a DOPs network in your scene. :D



Edited by rafaelfs
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