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Line fit to local point cloud?

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Sorry if this has come up before. I searched, but did find a previous thread on the topic.

I'm looking for a VOP (or something) to provide the unit vector/slope of a best fit line for a local point cloud.

Basically, a linear regression for a set of local points, on a per point basis.

Is there something like this already? If not, could someone help me build it? My math isn't strong enough to build it myself. I found this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Vossman/3D_Line_Regression


Edited by fieryspoon
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Great tricks petz :) Are they all doing the same operation in different ways? One using eigen vectors, the other using PCA? Which one is more optimal or is it a matter of preference? I just don't know what their differences are in solving these sort of problems.

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