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How to save an IMG_File

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i'm trying to save an image or rather a PXL_Raster to a file but there will be no genereted file.

IMG_File *tex = IMG_File::open("D:/test.png");
UT_PtrArray<PXL_Raster *> images; 
// First try
if (IMG_File::saveRasterAsFile("D:/new.png", images[0]))
    cout << "Success!" << endl; // is not called
// Second try
if (tex->writeImages(images))
    cout << "Success!" << endl; // is also not called
delete tex;

What i'm doing wrong?

Has someone a tip for me?



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Have you checked to see if images has any entries? The [] brackets will create entry zero for you (as NULL), so it's better to use images(0) when you're doing a read access to the array.


Also, make sure you have write access to D:/. Finally, if nothing else works, try writing a .pic file to see if it's a png-specific issue.


The second attempt will definitely not work because tex is a IMG_File handle opened for read.

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Thanks for the images(0) tip. I will do that.


I have figured out that the problem was caused by the non-commercial version of Houdini. The IMG_File::saveRasterAsFile() method accepts only 768x576 px images in the nc-version. My code works well for smaller images.



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