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("../something" , something else)

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i wonder when you write this expression ("../something" , something else) in a section what do you tell houdini to do?


please help me?


i don't know what users call this , if i have knew this i have referred  to houdini help.


if someone could help me with more detail i'll appreciate you,


best regards...

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hard to tell from your question as: ("../something" , something else) is just two arguments.


One example might be:


centroid("../null1", D_X)


in which case your getting the x component of the centroid of the geometry in "../null1"



This is commonly used in an add sop to fill in each component of the created point's position like:

centroid("../null1", D_X)     centroid("../null1", D_Y)     centroid("../null1", D_Z)

So you will have a point which represents the centroid of whatever geometry is fed into "../null"



Maybe look at the sidefx expression docs or use exhelp in the textport for more info

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