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ASAD light question

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Hi everybody,

I am using a ASAD light shader on a sphere in order to use this sphere's point as cone lights, but I wonder how I can assign a color ramp to this ASAD light shader.

For example I would like to have the top point to be blue and the bottom point to be red, basically asigning a Color on the Y axis.

Do I have to use an image map, even though that is not very flexible ? or maybe an expression in an attrib Create Sop ?

Thanks in advance


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Hey Julien,

Assign a Point SOP to the Sphere & turn on "Add Color". Use the following in the fields:

R = 1-$BBY
G = 0
B = $BBY

which should make the bottom half of the sphere red & the top blue. If this doesn't work for you, you can always use a Paint SOP.

Finally, in the AttribCreate SOP, replace the colour values with




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