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Point instancing - $PSCALE from a map

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So I've got this character and I'm trying to cover him in fur. Rather than cover him uniformly I'm trying to texture him a greyscale "coat" which I can use to control the size of each hair.

Progress so far.......


One of these grayscale maps is applied to the torso as you can see.

The furs being made using point instancing using a method inspired (ripped off!) from AndrewVKs method.

I need to get the value off the texture into $PSCALE to control the size of each hair.

If the map was contained in one texture it'd be dead easy just a tex() or pic() affair. Unforntunatly lots of textures had to be created becuase.... texturings rubbish and I needed lots of projections.

So the textures are being applied to the character relative to the groups from which their UVs where created!

How do.... what next shall.....

Any ideas? :huh:



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sorry to say this now, but what if you were to just screw the texture method approach..? ;)

i say this because, i would think you could use the paint sop and paint your greyscale right on the model and have complete interactivity.. lot easier than projecting a bunch of textures. then you could use your Cd attrib as your $PSCALE..



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you can probably bake out a new single texture that is the sum of all your projections.. then use the pic function. you need to bake down to one uv space and 1 map. I could whip up an example if your not certain how to do this.


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