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Learning VOPSOP

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Network ; http://i.imgur.com/u10bMTQ.jpg - I simply added a Constant inside the If-Then block and set it to 2 =D Being lazy haha


As for the bonus points - I didn't have any at 0 in X when the grind was set to 50x50 which I assume has to do with the fact that 'normal' sets of numbers don't have a single number in the middle but 2. Grr, English not being my native language makes that hard =D It's like the numbers from 1 to 10 - the middle ones are the pair 5 and 6, but if we're counting from 0 to 10, the middle is 5. 

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Ok, day 4 challenge! Keep in mind, I'm a complete noob to VEX. I tried more complicated things but failed. This will have to do!


Here's what needs to be done.


Create a noise pattern and make any point in the "y" greater than .5 be colored any color you wish.


I tried to make any point in the "y" that is in the top 80% be flat, I got close but there were always errors in it. I wanted it so when I adjusted the amplitude it would adjust with it. Marty how would you do this effect?


I am attaching my file so you guys can see how I did it after you've done it.



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Got it ! =D 



Unfortunately don't have time to explain it right now but definitely will in a few hours. Also, I'm not even sure I'm doing it properly so yeah =D 


edit; actually what I've done is just ... silly. Don't waste your time on that network =D


Edited by Georgie
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Its not silly Georgie,the two way switch its very cool,thanks!,we are learning

Just a question before getting the geo flat we need to select the points so

If you normalize from 0 to 1 you end with 0 to 1 and 0 to -1 in Y axis


There is a way to normalize from 0 to 1  in order to select with 0.8? ,in that way we end with 80% of top points selected



Edited by georgeivan
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well, I give up ;3 

Apparently it's simply not possible the way I'm trying to do it. Explanation is here : http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=31549

and here : http://forums.odforce.net/topic/15140-is-it-possible-to-use-vex-for-accumulated-calculations/page-2


I think it's safe to assume that the more knowledgeable guys have been laughing their butts off, waiting for us to realise the futility of our endeavours. 

Anyway, I learnt quite a lot today so it's all right.


I'm uploading the hip file with a working version of what I was trying to achieve in vops but made with a bunch of attribPromote and pointWrangle nodes. 



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Here's my slightly-got-carried-away, entirely beyond-specification contribution.


I just enjoy using the "Hybrid Terrain" fractal any chance I get 'cos it's pretty.  There's some token mesa-plateau-type ramp in there, plus some colour mapping by height.


Hopefully it'll give some hints at the sort of thing that's possible with relatively few nodes.


(That's odd, the forum won't let me upload "hiplc" files from Indie... it only allows hip or hipnc)





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Super cool - nice to see everyone here!


I'll post later today, work has picked up a notch, but I reckon it would be super cool that when we are going to be creative with solutions, that we also create on the exact specifications of the Challenge.  This avoids being too loose with our interpretations, and, is closer to the real-world where, if you are tasked with something, you may need to deliver that exact thing.


Danw try .zip compressing the hiplc. 


Thanks again everyone!

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well, I give up ;3 

Apparently it's simply not possible the way I'm trying to do it. Explanation is here : http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=31549

and here : http://forums.odforce.net/topic/15140-is-it-possible-to-use-vex-for-accumulated-calculations/page-2


well, since H13 it is possible to do such things in a single Attrib VOP/Attrib Wrangle since you don't have to execute it in paralel per point but still can write to points (which before you couldn't)

simply execute it in Detail mode and do your own For loop over points where you can compute any value per point, store maximum or whatever, then reuse it in the same node you can still set values on points or prims

(the only catch can be speed, and slightly the workflow, but it still can be pretty fast) 

it's not ideal though, so you would usually split this into more VOP nodes, but you can certainly use this technique instead of multiple Attrib Promote nodes, simply to compute min, max, average or whatever detail attribs at once in one VOP(Detail mode), in single for loop, then use them in another VOP node, that runs in parallel per-point as you did in your file

Edited by anim
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Danw try .zip compressing the hiplc.


I just uploaded the hiplc file, renamed to hipnc... it should still function exactly the same.

I should probably point it out to the odforce powers-that-be though.  What's the official best-way to do that?

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Can someone take over for the next two days please - I'm too swamped with work and can't allocate any brain resources to this :)


We need a daily challenge that's not complex - but will build skills progressively



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Hey guys,


I think this is a really cool idea, so I'm in...


This was a good one, I never really dealt with point clouds before although I've done basically the same thing as this in C++ admittedly quite naively.


georgeivan: Hint- You could have done it with two nodes, three if you keep the file node which is more of a matter of preference I suppose.  Your basically performing the same calculation twice.


I would put up a screen shot but I can't figure out how to besides pasting a picture of both my screens.  Clicking my media just brings me to page showing the picture then I get confused and go back and all the stuff I wrote is gone :(  So i gave up   

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