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Learning VOPSOP

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When I first saw your example I interpreted it as self shadowing so I went with that, the lesson learned should be similar :P.

The first vopsop makes the deformations and the second creates the shadows. 

I gave the soft shadows a try but there is definitely something wrong there.


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That's really good, much cooler then what I had done. :P

With the soft shadows, I really should of mentioned you (or at least my method) need a second vopsop.  It was like four thirty in the morning I was way overtired but I couldn't sleep so I figured, Hey this would be a great time to make a vopsop challenge. Whole things kinda a haze now....

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Would be cool to close a challenge with a explanation of how the exercise its done ,just to make the thread more clean

I end up last challenge with this




But with a pc setup and captain posted another way with a near point setup.



Edited by georgeivan
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Here's my attempt. I used 3 seperate vop sops, but I could have probably reduced that.

With one of them I setup lambertian shading (clamped dot product of surface normal with light ray), with the 2nd I setup up the shadow casting (intersect, using the vector from the light source to the  point position), and with the 3rd I just did some smoothing/blurring with a point cloud.



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I'm sorry guys, I appreciate the excersices posted on this thread, but I can't keep up. The last two are difficult to figure out how to achieve the posted images without a little background or explanation.


To be honest, I expected a learning curve which allow a noob like me to take some fundamentals and gradually learn how they meet together. At least, as georgeivan said before, a good explanation on how it was done will be very welcome before to move onto the next one.


This is my attempt at the day 8 excercise.





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I agree that the person who launched the exercice, once the next is started, explain or post his file which would allow the person who didn t find a solution to see how it was done. This way, they could progress and then try to do it again.

Edited by ioness
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Would you say the trouble with learning VopSop is in general not having a solid grounding in maths  i.e. trigonometry is a set of ratios, a matrix is used for affine transforms etc.

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Just posting this in here in case anyone feels like they need it. I'm still fighting with the linear algebra but there's a lot of extremely useful resources out there for learning that pesky math. I only recently decided that I REALLY need that knowledge indeed so I'll be focusing on those courses heavily in the next few months. Hopefully I'll learn something =D



On topic : I'm lost. I'll keep testing things out, tho. And maybe I'll come back tomorrow begging for hints =D 

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All right, tried the occlusion, I guess I'm not far but my result isn't great yet.
Also, I did it with an attrib wrangle instead since loops are horrible to make in Vopsops. (never managed to make a for loops in vopsop)



Anyway, I think that is too complicated for the beginners who wish to learn how to make vopsops.

I'll try to think of another challenge that's not complicated.


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