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Network Rendering

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hey renderfox

i had the same problem, but that was ages ago, when i set my little farm up, cant think of the exact solution, as for the solution, i'll phink back about it (it was something stupid)

but too start

ur mantra call sounds fine,

firstly can u render from the box u trying to render on?

ie open houdini on that machine and test mantra from there

secondly, a bit obvious but can u see the other box on ur local network?

off the top of my head,

i dont know if this is crucial but when u installed houdini, it has a little option for network rendering, i ticked that, btw

try those and we'll continue 101 if that doesnt work.

all the best

aracid :blink:

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thak you for response.

Of course, i tryed all that things:

- local rendering on each host

- looking up hosts in network (and I add lines to 'hosts' file wich is not nesseccery for Win)

- and even using UNC file paths in $HIP and $JOB

unfortunately, result is the same.

I'll try reinstall houdini on one of hosts and check out the netrender options but I'm not sure that is there

If you know something else i'll be pleasure for you


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hey renderfox

just checking on my box last night,

if u right click on my computer, manage and then services,

check out if houdini client is running. thats the think i had to fix to get my netrender up and running,

all the best

aracid :blink:

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  • 1 month later...
I'm sure network rendering was buggy in older versions of Houdini, especially on windows. You might need to upgrade to get it working.


Is there a good resource, in the form of a tutorial or how-to, on network rendering with Mantra?

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UT_NetPacket::write: Invalid argument
mantra: Unable to write data in network handshake[2]

This is a common error I get, when I try to render with the "-H" flag.

I'm running (on both machines):

  • Win2000-SP4 (with latest patches)
  • Houdini 6.1.208 (no other version Houdini services running)
  • Calling the same drive/location ($HIP = "P:\Misc\Tests")

Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance!

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