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Problems with FBX export from 3ds Max


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Hi guys,

             I face some problems when I try importing in fbx from 3ds max. I attached 2 screenshot , the top one shows the geo in max, however after importing it in to houdini, some parts seems to offset away?

Did I do something wrong with the settings? The fbx is attached as well if you want to test.

Thanks in advance for your help guys!!






*EDIT : Uploaded the correct pictures

*EDIT 2 : Can't seem to upload the fbx file

Edited by dszs
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I have had this happen before. If you do not have animation use obj. if you have animation use alembic.


It seems to come from offsets of the object's pivot points. If you can center all of them and reset xforms, it will work as fbx.


If you zip or rar your fbx, upload and I can help further...

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Hi Jim, appreciate the quck response. I just attached a rar file of the fbx. As the model has textures on it, I need to keep it's material path on it and the only method I know is fbx. Is there other workflow around it? I can't export alembic as 3ds max don't support it for student version.


- Darren 


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So you have a few materials on there. It really isn't that hard to hook them back up in Houdini if you went the obj route.

I opened up your fbx file and the importer complained about a malformed mesh. You have lots of pieces that have a -1 -1 -1 scale.


When I froze the transforms and exported into Houdini, the meshes lined up as expected. You must be using some proprietary material type because the importer turned them into phong materials.


It really is important to keep clean meshes: normals facing outward, no negative scaling, no stray vertices, no duplicated faces, pivots in reasonable places, objects scaled reasonably and near the origin. If you ever get meshes that need cleaning, clean them up, then worry about shuffling them between software!


I would have attached the fbx file, but the uploader is not letting me...


Good luck!

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