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Properly keep track of rendertime and polycount - burn ins?

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Hello there everybody!


It is my first time working a bit more in depth in Houdini. I am currently messing around with different RBD solvers.

The Idea is, to compare a few in regards to Performance and outcome.

I was wondering, if there is a way to properly keep track of some elements like Rendertime, Polycount and so on? 


In Maya, i can handle this via burn ins on the rendered frame, i haven´t found an option like that in Houdini so far. 

I know the "details" tab exist, but i was hoping for an more automated approach.

Can somebody enlighten me, or point me to the (probably obvious) settings?






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Personally I don't like the approach suggested above in the forum, hwatermark is crappy and using tilecallback to execute the python script is not a great solution.


Preferably save the verbose ouput by doing something like this in the command parameter:

mantra -o $HIP/render/$F4.txt

Set the verbose level to 1-5 to include the total render time among other useful information.


Similarly, use a post-frame script to write a file with your custom data (polycount, etc) of the frame. Note that verbose level 5 includes detailed information of the loaded geometry.


In the end use a COP network to parse the data generated from the frame and generate the text to composite over the frame.


<_< Not a simple button after all, but after you set it up it can be.

Edited by ayidi
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Wow Thank you so much! 

I´m gonna look through your infos and the file you found. Reading it seems logical, i´ll see if i get it implemented.

Thanks again!


I implemented the example let me know if you have any questions.


FWIW, some people use oiiotool from the OpenImageIO library to handle their burn-ins after rendering.


Sure but why add another dependency when Houdini can perfectly handle it and it's fast too. Also it's nicer to able to see the burn-in final results while rendering using md.

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Sure but why add another dependency when Houdini can perfectly handle it and it's fast too. Also it's nicer to able to see the burn-in final results while rendering using md.


Well, oiio is fast to run, more easily pipeline-able on a large scale queue, and doesn't have license restrictions, which might not matter depending on the scale of your production. COPs has relatively heavy requirements.

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