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Paint color by object


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I'm having problems with activating/disactivating my constraints in the bullet sim. This will explain the problem:





I'm using just an attribute transfer SOP. But you can see that thats not how the constraints should work.


I'd like the points I'm painting to stay in the color I painted them with attribute transfer.


So I played with creating a new attribute 'make_active' and then to make the attribute transfer run over on some value on the 'make_active' attribute. 


However I can't make anything working, I'm not that fluent in Houdini.


How can this be done?

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I have looked into solver sop, and managed to do a simple scene. 
I want to transfer the color information (green) onto the 'activated' parameter. I have no idea why setAttribute does not work, even when i just set it to some constant.


Edited by Juzwa
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Right now you don't provide enough information for set attribute to work. 

Use Bind Export instead. Or you can instead use wrangle node - much faster to set up.

i@activated = 0;
if(v@Cd.x == 1){
    i@activated = 1;}

Oh, and you don't have to transfer colors and convert them to another attribute - you can transfer "activated" attribute directly.


To keep the attributes to the next frame switch the first input with the "Prev_frame" instead of "Input_1".

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