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Is there a way to use VEX code as a string in hou.runVex?

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I am trying to use hou.runVex but it seems to require a vex file, which is supposed to be compiled using vcc. This seems to convoluted when you just want to make a simple function call.


I did it anyway but now I am getting "The attempted operation failed". I searched online but couldn't find any example of how it's used. I am passing {} for the second argument as my function doesn't take any arguments except the "export float out = 0".


Is it actually working?



Thanks :)

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  • 3 years later...
On 3/23/2015 at 2:59 AM, petz said:

hou.runVex() works as long as you don´t pass any string to vex but this never really worked afaik.


Thank you very much, petz!
I use your example file for run VEX in 64-bit mode, as described in http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/hou/runVex.html
It works, so in houdini 17, i can print a long value, calculated in VOP SOP, without overflow!


(sorry, it's not commented, for comments please see petz's example)

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