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Gas Particle Neighbour Update?

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My guess is some microsolvers (ie the Gas Compute Particle Attributes DOP) have the option to make computations with neighboring particles and this DOP allows you to specify when the neighbor update takes place. 

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That microsolver is used in the old SPH fluids to maintain a list of neighbor particles within a search radius.  These days you're better off just using pcfind and storing the results in array attributes.  


So using a POP or Geometry Wrangle:

// next two variables could be parameters
int maxn = 100;
float scale = 2.5;

float searchrad = f@pscale * scale;

// find nearby particles
int n[] = pcfind(0, "P", @P, searchrad, maxn + 1);
// remove this particle from list
removevalue(neighbors, @ptnum);

i[]@neighbors = n;

On the Inputs tab set Input 1 to Myself or Myself (no reads of Outputs), the latter being faster.


You can then loop through that array to do various neighbor-lookup type things. The POP Grains solver does lots of this if you want to look inside.

Edited by johner
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