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mask surface tension


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I have two sources in a flip solver and I want to have different surface tension to each one of those sources, how that's possible? In general how the group parameter in a gas microsolvers as surface tension can be used in order to effect part of a flip silumation?


Or is there any way to mask it? I tried unsuccessfully to create a new scalar field matched to surface and use it as mask using gasparticletofield which was reading particle custom attribute where points of one source had value of 1 and the other of 0. Then I replaced Surface Field parameter in Gas Surface Tension with that mask filed, but as I said it didn't worked.


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Thanks David, this what exactly I was trying to do with the masking method but instead of gasparticletosdf I used gasparticletofield as I described above. Thanks again.

It would be nice if surface tension was like viscosity or density which can be attribute driven.

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