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[SOLVED]Modulus Range Expression? (as one line)

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Ok, I have 160,000 points being skinned down a curve using a circle. I want to divide the curve into 10 sections. Each of the circles in that section gets it's own random value applied to the radius of the circle through a stamp function.


So I have $NPT, $PT and the number 10 to determine my section count.


What expression would I type into the Value1 field of the Stamp TAB of the Copy node to produce the above desired effect?


if I had multiple lines I could calculate the value I need  to supply to the rand() seed to produce the desired effect but I am stumped on how to create this in one line of Hscript code.


Here is the pseudo code I would like converted into one line.

$NPT = 160000
sections = 10
delta = $NPT/sections
result = 0
if $PT > delta: result =1
if $PT > delta*2: result = 2
if $PT > delta*3: result =3
if $PT > delta*4: result = 4
if $PT > delta*5: result =5
if $PT > delta*6: result = 6
if $PT > delta*7: result =7
if $PT > delta*8: result = 8
if $PT > delta*9: result =9

In the end the result would be routed to the random seed so that only 10 different circle sizes appeared along the skinned tube via stamping.

Edited by Atom
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Thanks for the Wrangle solution but I need to type the final expression into an hScript expression field inside a Copy node. But that is close. I just need to find the hscript equivalent of floor. and int.


More pseudo code.

Edited by Atom
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Thank you for the insight. That does indeed work. I placed the AttributeWrangle before the RIGHT input of the Copy. Then I can reference the attribute name in the stamp as you mention along the LEFT input stream.


Now my curve has a different radius but only in the ten sections I want.


Edited by Atom
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