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Sticky Input Numeric Fields?


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Hello All,


Is it just me or are the numeric input fields in H14 messed up?

At first I thought, uh oh I need a new keyboard, but then I came to realize that I can type just fine in every other application.


When I click on a numeric field more often then not Houdini pops up this annoying Drop Action menu (which I don't ever want). I press ESC repeatedly and the menu won't go away. So I click off of the menu instead of choosing Cancel. The numeric fields also will not accept my ENTER most of the time. I have to literally press the ENTER key with excessive deliberation for Houdini to detect the keystroke, often repeatedly. I also pulled down a new daily build just in case it was something that might already have been fixed but the new build responds the same way.


Is it my hardware? (I had no keyboard problems at all while typing this post)


Or do others experience keyboard input problems using Houdini 14?


This input problem is driving me crazy?


Does Houdini maintain separate cursor focus for every field?

Is this image normal?


Edited by Atom
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Does Houdini maintain separate cursor focus for every field?

Is this image normal?



The multiple cursor issue was introduced in 14.0.429 and subsequently fixed in 14.0.435. You should download that build, or newer, to fix that.


As for your other issues, are you using a tablet? International keyboard layout? 

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Guest mantragora

AHhh... this amazing feeling when you added 20 parameters to the asset, named each one and once you pressed Accept, only last one wasn't called 'Label'. 

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