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Character - Helena


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Something i have been working on recently. 


I'm still tweaking the geometry, maps and started on the fur.


Gonna be doing peach fuzz, eyebrows, eyelashes and obviously hair. Probably various hairstyles because i have tons of reference. I have also been testing different blendshape and corrective methods. I think i have something that works well, best of all it's fast. But more on that when i have developed it more.


Zbrush Screenshots - details are separated out into layers so i will be tweaking how much i push them. 





 Base Geometry / Topology







So that's the geometry, anything else im sure you will see in other posts. 



Test render so far - A little saturated and SSS is a bit thick but its a start




Default Mantra Surface Shader. Col, Spec, Disp, Gloss, SSS map. Have yet to do an Attenuation map.

Edited by abvfx
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Cheers Emmanuel,

I should use test it with Dany's SSS shader. I had some great results with it with the hitchcock character, but this is done with stock Mantra Surface Material.

I will post some more tests along with passes and material settings probably over the weekend. I don't think i am doing anything different, i will have to check the VOP. I know i added a few more image plane parameters just in case i need them.

Maybe when all is done i will do a character walkthrough with Houdini like i did with the Fur setup.

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Here are a few more samples i did over the weekend.


Just some stats for reference.

Model is 4ft tall, Unit length is set to 1 m.

Intensity 0.4

Amount 0.7
Scattering Phase 0.5
Single Scattering is OFF
Multiple Scattering is Local BRDF + Global Point Cloud (i think i might have adjusted the default settings in he physicalSSS Vop will have to check later)
Intensity + Quality 1

Subsurface Color Map is largely reddish. I will post it later.
Attenuation  20

Sometimes i do switch the diffuse amount to 3/4 and SSS to 6/7.  



Working on eyelashes, eyebrows, tweaking of geo etc.

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It depends, i normally do tests with a HDR, a large area light as a directional key, col,spec,gloss, true displacement, and at least 1 bounce, @ 1080p. Roughly 2:30 mins.


But this will get longer with more maps and fur (which takes the longest by far, more specifically the shadows ). I actually need to look into being able to render it separately, because every time i try some phantom setup, it never looks as good as a full beauty render. Shadows look awful, and it's the shadows that really sell the look in my opinion.

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i don't know if it would be possible to mix PBR / Micropolygon PBR to get ptc base sss in PBR + depthmap shadow hair in Micropolygon PBR ...

as anything is generally possible in H that would be interesting to find how to do that , in order to avoid a 2 pass PITA


when i was playing with vex i fall on this 



i never had the time to play with this but it's interesting !


maybe some test with Dany shader would be cool to make some comparison  ... :)

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Yea i was doing hair in MPR standard, but never used the MPR PBR. 


I did this test in February.




And that was all PRB. I tried the MPR and it just didn't look the same. I might try brute forcing it again this time. But i need to know how the sort out the passes because they never sit right.








Here is the current look of the skin, with slightly different lighting. Again no attenuation map (just Col, Reflect, Gloss, SSS)... im wondering how much of a difference that will make to the overall look. I know its needed but i feel imm still a ways out from the quality i want. 


I will try Dany's shader next but its an old version back when he was developing it. Still working on eyebrows and lashes. About 50% done but i think im gonna modeling each one because you need that level of control.

Edited by abvfx
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This sss is great andrew ! keep posting ! :)


But i don't like the hair for the moment , this is raytraced shadow ? Would it be possible to make a test in Micropolygon PBR for Hair with the same env and shadow maps only with 2 bounce of diffuse ?

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Been working with attenuation maps.... no matter how i create them, just introduces trouble.

Re-sculpted/groomed the eyebrows and lashes, still need a little tweaking, but trying to work with shader...getting awful results so far.



Need to tweak color maps. But managed to get that "fleshy" feel to the character now. No more point clouds either, since it will be deforming and it's just more accurate multi scatter is raytraced.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So i took a bit of a break on this as i knew H15 would be coming out. So now that is out first thing i did was use the new skin shader.

I still kinda dont know what im doing. This is just the results of lots of tests.

The help is sparse, shallow scatter color = The color of shallow subsurface features :). Would love an example file or even use it on the Pig test geoemetry as that still uses a Mantra surface general shader.


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Yep full PBR, but i am not happy at all with the results i am getting. I am having a tough time with long styles and getting them to render well.

I just need to understand styles better and how others are rendering hair (in any package) and how to get nice settings with the Fur node, either it is too clumped and it splits strands too close or the radius is too wide it makes hair too smooth. Just needed to keep practicing/testing.

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  • 6 months later...

Just testing some of the new features in H15.5. The main hairstyle was done in H (i have yet to replace the eyebrows and lashes). 

Don't think i will be using a 3rd party for grooming anymore. 


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