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explosion render

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Hi guys,


Just started a new project and wondering what was the best way to render and comp an explosion.


I would like to separate the flame from the smoke, to be able to offer some control at comp level. 


I've had a first go, in which I've turned densitiy on/off smoke (fireball shader) to separate both elements. However I am struggling to make them look right in Nuke.


Some my questions are:


1) what's the best way of separating smoke and flame

2) How must they comped so they look integrated.


Thanks in advance!






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  • 3 months later...

@Cody: I just tried your extra image plane suggestions with a pyro sim generated from debris particles. I have added the four fields to my EXR file and set the types to vector and float as mentioned. When I load the resulting render into Natron I can see that the channels do exist, but when I view them they are blank.


I am new to this technique and Natron so it could be operator error but I wanted to ask if there was something else I needed to do in Houdini to populate these channels with data from the pyro sim?

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frankly, i prefer to simply separate things by lighting plane.  flames are emission.  smoke is volume.  note, that when you export the emission you have use FULL OPACITY sampling or you'll get noise in your aov.  i think the "direct emission" pulldown does this for you.

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I think I figured out why they are blank. The Billowy Smoke material does not have an export tab. The Fireball shader does and it specifies smoke_mask and fire_mask.


@fathom: I'm not sure how to implement your suggestion. I do see a check box for Emission Color, but I don't see one for any volume.


What is a lighting plane?

Is it part of Extra Image Planes?

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the check mark system is a shortcut for extra image planes.  i tend to use the actual "extra image planes" multiparm to output stuff since i have very direct control of the settings there.


by lighting planes, i meant the "per component" style extra image planes you get from lighting.  it kind of depends what's going on in your scene and what other rasters you're exporting.


if you have an explosion by itself, i would do "direct lighting (per light)" and "direct emission".  that will give you each light's individual contribution to your volume's look, plus the emissive component of the flames.


smoke is (usually) just a "volume" component, so you also do "per light" and "per component" and then limit your components to just be "volume" (instead of the default "diffuse reflect coat refract volume").  you could probably also stuff in "direct_volume" for your vex variable and channel names instead of "direct_comp" and then just get the volume directly regardless of the components... lots of way to get the same stuff.

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Thanks for the info. I have been playing around with this all day.


Do you happen to know what vex variable name I would use to get only the RED diffuse color into a float channel? I tried diffuse.r and diffuse[0] but my channel was empty.

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Thanks for the info. I have been playing around with this all day.


Do you happen to know what vex variable name I would use to get only the RED diffuse color into a float channel? I tried diffuse.r and diffuse[0] but my channel was empty.

you can't do that, as far as i know.  if you only want a float exported to an image plane, you have to export a float from your shader.


i tend to export everything as vectors (shader bind is vector and extra plane is vector), which i know is probably a bit wasteful, but if you work with nuke, float exports kind of suck.

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Thanks again for the info I think I am getting it. I can go into any shader and drop down a Bind Export. Do a VecToFloat and grab just a single channel. Then in the Extra Image Plane I can reference that export name and get only the float data. Which is how the fire_mask and smoke_mask seem to be made.

Edited by Atom
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